Online event for DSM not only resulted in new leads, but also in relevant insights

DSM challenged us to come up with a concept that would have a breakthrough impact on the way they were engaging with their (potential) clients in more traditional settings like trade shows and conferences. Our approach: create a massive global online trade show experience, accessible 24/7, on any device and anywhere in the world where there is a minimal internet connection.


  • Yielded product: DSM online event platform
  • Technologies: streaming platform, event registration software
  • Client: DSM Engineering plastics

The Challenge

Through multiple live streams and pre-recorded video feeds, visitors have access to outstanding content, direct connections with keynote speakers and interaction with other visitors, all from the comfort of their offices or homes. Saving time and reducing costs without compromising the experience of a live event.

The logistical challenge for DSM was mainly to ensure the uniformly of the content experience. Videos and presentations were delivered from all over the world. By working with a brand book and detailed work instructions, we succeeded in creating a seamless brand experience.

The result

The visitors praised the quality of the speakers, the level of the content, the topics and the accessibility of the navigation during the event.

The results were everything we had hoped for: 500 registrations, 300 new leads identified, direct connection with visitors, and tremendous thought leadership visibility in the market. Enough prove for DSM management to now use the platform for an online event in Europe.

In 2019 we launched our first Online Congress with TRIMM. It turned out to be our biggest lead gen. success of the year! Beside the identified sales opportunities, we found a wealth of data and customer insights we never encountered after traditional trade shows

Michael Kriek, DSM Engineering Plastics

Additional information

Our platform is scalable in a way it can be used for any size online event. By simply adding tools such as chat, video conferencing, polling and social media, other media channels can be quickly opened up. Not only trade shows but also product launches, annual reports and entertainment could be offered through the online event platform. This makes it a relatively low cost and high impact communication and marketing solution for any business.

Want to know more?

Do you want to know more about DSM, the project, or about TRIMM? Please contact us via the contact form below.

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