Reaching and engaging with SPAR partners from 37 countries in an online event
SPAR is one of the largest food retailers in the world with approximately 13,000 stores in over 48 countries. The SPAR concept was established on the basis of wholesalers and retailers working in partnership to the benefit of all, including customers. The cornerstone of this partnership is a commitment to the open exchange of knowledge and information.
Every year, SPAR organizes two global conferences where all retailers and wholesalers come together to share knowledge and learn from each other's experiences. In 2020, these two events were combined into one and SPAR challenged TRIMM to translate this conference into a digital experience.
- Yielded product: SPAR International Connected Retail Conference 2020
- Technologies: TRIMM Online Event Platform, Multilingual Live Streaming Platform
- Client: SPAR International
The Challenge
In times when international travel is practically impossible because of COVID-19, but the exchange of knowledge and experience between SPAR retailers and wholesalers is order of the day and relevant, SPAR asked TRIMM to help with an online event. A three-day event with both live presentations and pre-recorded content was set up using the TRIMM Online Event Platform. Partners from all over the world were brought together in 1 place to share best practices.
The challenge for TRIMM and SPAR was mainly streaming the event to China and Russia and translating the presentations on Marketing, Logistics and Supply Chain and IT simultaneously and live. In China and Russia, translators joined to live translate the presentations so that Chinese and Russian-speaking viewers could listen in their own language. On one of the days with 3 parallel tracks, this meant six language rooms simultaneously to provide each visitor with suitable content in the right language.

We had more executives attend than we had anticipated considering the current challenging environment. The reach and flexibility of this virtual event is what made SPAR Connected Retail Conference 2020 a success for us
Tom Rose, Head of International Operations SPAR
The results
With 37 participating countries, 43 different SPAR Partners present and a total of 660 visitors, expectations were exceeded. Because the reach was much greater than can be anticipated for a physical event, the quality of the connections between the partners and the number of follow-ups turned out to be better than normal. In addition, contrary to what is possible with an onsite event due to difficulties in recording everything, the goal of capturing all knowledge and experience for future use was achieved.
Want to know more?
Do you want to know more about the project or about the TRIMM Online Event Platform? Please contact us via the contact form below.
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